VM23 Firmware Versions ***************************** xxx.001 - first version xxx.002 - integrator accuracy improved xxx.003 - French and Italian texts for save menu xxx.004 - only relevant for OEM versions xxx.005 - equivalent Pk-Pk value (2 s) added xxx.006 - new frequency ranges for velocity and displacement: v: 2-1000 Hz; d: 2-300 Hz; d: 2-1000 Hz - bug in memory menu fixed xxx.007 - new frequency range 10-1000 Hz for displacement xxx.008 - line end characters in downloaded measurement data changed - amplitude correction in velocity 10-1000 Hz xxx.009 - initialization error in JVM version xxx.010 - faster frequency detection in JVM version xxx.011 - date and time held at reset during operation - minimum hold time of 1 s for on-off button